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What Young Workers Want

Survey of Swiss students ranks CSL Behring among most desirable employers


More than 12,000 students across Switzerland's leading universities ranked their ideal employers from a list of 100 attractive employers in Switzerland. They rated key aspects such as work-life balance and a dynamic and friendly work environment. CSL Behring, in its first appearance on the list, ranked 24th among life science companies.
UNIVERSUM announced the results at an event this week in Zurich. The ranking has been published in collaboration with Bilanz magazine.

“We are now on the radar of young talent as an interesting opportunity for their career. This is an important milestone and strengthens our position as an employer of choice in biotech,” said Michela Gianelli, Head of Human Resources at CSL Behring's future manufacturing facility in Lengnau and the first site launching a comprehensive Employer Branding project at CSL in Switzerland.

UNIVERSUM is an international research and consulting agency specialized in Employer Branding and collaborates with 2,300 schools and universities in 38 countries. They interview annually and globally more than one million students, young workers and experienced people on their perceptions of employers and career goals.

Find out more about career opportunities at CSL Behring.


 Universum Award Natural Sciences
Our future experts in action: CSL Behring Bern’s trainees Stefanie Nacht, Celio Ferreira, Dominik Mächler, Kathrin Promberger, Franziska Naef and Jimmy Hu shape how we will work tomorrow.