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Cooperation with CSL


A. Health Care Organisations (HCO) / Health Care Professionals (HCP)

Disclosure of the monetary benefits provided to healthcare professionals and organisations in the healthcare sector

CSL Behring AG works closely with healthcare organisations and healthcare professionals, whose experience, knowledge and expertise complement the skills of our own scientists. Cooperation between medical practitioners and the pharmaceutical industry is indispensable in the research and development of new treatments. Such cooperation has already led to many valuable discoveries, and to the development (or further development) and introduction of innovative medical products that have significantly improved the quality of patients’ lives.

Our ethical attitude shapes our business culture and safeguards our integrity. By signing the Pharma Code and the Pharma Cooperation Code, CSL Behring AG has made a commitment, ensuring that its cooperation with healthcare professionals, healthcare organisations and patient organisations remains fair und transparent.

We respect the regulatory framework governing the disclosure of monetary benefits to healthcare professionals and organisations in the healthcare sector, based on the European EFPIA association and scienceindustries, which is responsible for Switzerland. We are keen to take on this responsibility, and to develop and maintain a relationship based upon trust with the general public.

This disclosure includes, for example, the payment of travel costs and registration fees incurred for participation in medical conferences; the payment of consultancy fees to healthcare professionals who are giving presentations or chairing conferences as well as the provision of financial support to healthcare organisations.

Within the framework of the commitments thus undertaken, we disclose existing partnerships with HCOs and HCPs as follows:

Additional information about the applicable methodology is provided here:

For further information about the Pharma Cooperation Code (PCC), please visit the scienceindustries website.

B. Patient organisations

CSL Behring works worldwide to save lives and improve the quality of life of people suffering from rare and serious diseases.

In order that it can meet this objective, CSL Behring regards self-help groups that provide support and information to patients and their families as important and necessary partners to those affected.

We base the support we provide to patient organisations on our powerful ethical standards in order, in particular, to safeguard the independence of those patient organisations, especially with regard to their political position, conduct and activity. The sole purpose of any support provided to the patient organisations is to serve the interests of the patients and/or their families.

Within the framework of the commitments thus undertaken, we disclose the support provided to patient organisations as follows: