CSL's research department in Bern played a key role in this: together with the team led by Prof. Andrew Chan, Head of University Outpatient Neuro Centre at Inselspital Bern, CSL's research department in Bern offered the participating PhD students a diverse program: In addition to insights into translational neuroscience research approaches and the research infrastructure at Inselspital and sitem-insel, the discussion about career opportunities for young PhD graduates in academia, industry, start-ups and science management was a key focus. “With CSL, we can count on a long-standing and competent partner in our efforts to translate basic scientific findings into clinical research and application,” said Professor Chan. “The joint promotion of young scientists plays a key role in this.”
The event took place at Inselspital, sitem-insel and CSL's headquarters in Bern Wankdorf and marked the conclusion of the Bio2Brain project. The EU-funded network, in which CSL acts as a partner organization, offers a training program for PhD students, including short stays in partner institutes and industry. “The insight into translational research approaches and the work at CSL was extremely enriching,” says Sebastian Spiegel, a participating PhD student. “It showed me how research findings are translated into practice and the exciting career opportunities that exist in industry.”
Commitment to translational medicine and promoting young talent
“By participating in the Bio2Brain Summer School, we were not only able to show PhD students what career opportunities are open to them within the industry, but also offer them the chance to expand their professional network,” said Adrian Zuercher, Head of Research Europe. “We look forward to making a meaningful and lasting contribution to nurturing the next generation of research talent.”
About Bio2Brain
Bio2Brain is a consortium of European research groups focused on the development of innovative methods for nasal drug delivery across the blood-brain barrier into the brain. The aim of the EU-funded network is to provide a comprehensive training program for PhD students that includes both academic and industrial experience. During the three-year project period, the 13 participants will complete short stays in partner institutes and industry to expand their skills and knowledge in translational medicine.

" With CSL, we can count on a long-standing and competent partner in our efforts to translate basic scientific findings into clinical research and application "
Prof. Andrew Chan, Head of University Outpatient Neuro Centre, Inselspital Bern